Friday, February 4, 2011

President Obama's State of the Union

This year in President Obama's state of the union address the main thing that he stressed was although we are a bipartisan system we can work together for a stronger America. The first was he emphasised this was he did not have the regular seating assignments for the House of Representatives they all sat intermingled: Democrat next to Republican. President Obama stressed that we need to amp up our education program because we are falling behind countries like China. He gave various examples on how small people are doing big things. But all of President Obama's suggestions and desires will require cooperation between both parties. This is a very hopeful dream, but in my opinion is futile. You could see in the crowd that whenever President Obama made a slightly more Democratic suggestion members of the Republican party would give a half-hearted clap. As a country we have primarily always been a two party system and operated that way. Even throughout the years it is easy to see that Democrats and Republicans do not necessarily agree on every policy. Overall I was very pleased with President Obama's state of the union address because it spoke towards what America really needs right now; to get in gear and change with the ever changing world society.
The thing I was most shocked with was Congress Woman Michelle Bachmann's response to the address for the Tea Party. What I was shocked about was why would the Tea Party chose a woman who barely knows basic American History to give their response to the address. What she spoke of was literally what President Obama was saying, but she gave graphs and ripped on the President.