Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Continued research on High School Substance abuse

The first article that I found today was from the website and addressed both the issues of Marijuana use and alcohol use in teens in school. The article gave clear, articulate, and on-sided information about Marijuana usage and the effects that it has on high school students. The article talked about how "The use of marijuana by teens can affect school, sports, and other activities; marijuana also affects memory, judgment, and perception. Teens who smoke marijuana on a regular basis start to lose interest in their appearance and how they are doing in school, at work, and at home." This article also gave information about the immediate effects of Marijuana so that parents can recognize them if their child comes home and appears to have smoked pot. This website also gave statistics of how many students starting in the 8th grade smoked Marijuana. These statistics are credible because this article is a compilation of findings from organizations like the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. The alcohol section of this article was just as informative and even better because it gave specific stats of dangerous situations people confront while under the influence of alcohol. Things like: Drunk driving, suicide, sexual assault, and high-risk sex. These things are dangerous for anyone under the influence, but more so for teens because of the lack of full brain development. This part of the article gave facts from the US government studies as well as the British government studies about how teens who drink alcohol have stunted brain development and lose vital brain functions. "The alcohol-dependent youth had greater difficulty remembering words and simple geometric designs after a 10-minute interval." The article made reference to a British article called: "Alcohol and Young People" published by the British Medical Association, I decided to check it out because is shows that teen drinking is not only an issue in America. part of this article addressed the rising numbers of young people who are drinking and intentionally getting drunk, this article also talks about how the vast amount of alcohol advertising has had an affect on the numbers of teens drinking.
The purpose of my research today was to look into effects of alcohol and Marijuana usage on teens. While doing this I stumbled upon how alcohol miss use among teens is also an issue in Britain.