Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freedom of Religion a Useless Debate

There is no question about it, America is a free country in which our Constitution clearly states the freedom of Religion. In order to have complete freedom of Religion, there must be a complete separation of Church and State. This is why I see all debates about Religion that involve the Government as useless and a waste of time. Unless the institution is Religiously affiliated, Religion should not be brought up unless it is talking about History. I realize that people are in titled to speak their mind about Religion, but Government institutions should not be able to force Religious opinions on the public. At my school during my Freshman year, the administration tried to force a "Moment of Silence" on us during Homeroom as a time for personal thoughts and prayer. This was a direct slap in the face to separation of Church and State. 
 There should never be debate about Religious rights in a Government institution, it is clear- do not mix the two.