Monday, November 8, 2010

Clifford Boggess to be or not to be exacuted

Originally when I heard about Clifford Boggess's case I was one hundred percent for his execution. I believe that serious offenders should be sentenced to death because society would be better without murderers and rapists. I felt very differently about Clifford Boggess, after hearing about his transformation I was convinced that he should not have been sentenced to death. For the most part, people get meaner and more violent while in prison because they are in a survival of the fittest world. But Clifford Boggess was different, he did a total one-eighty and seemed to because a calm human being. I am not a supporting that he should have been released, but that he should have just gotten a life sentence in jail. I believe from what I saw that he was no longer a threat to society; he had come to terms with his demons and repented and asked for forgiveness. Every one's life has value and no one person has more value than another, but in some cases a life needs to be taken for the betterment of society. This was not the case with Clifford Boggess, he was a two time killer, but no longer a threat to society because he was behind bars. The victims families would have gotten justice no matter what happened to Clifford Boggess, he had lost his freedom forever and the justice system did not fail in his case. It is a sad and horrible thing for people to wish for the death of another person no matter what the circumstances are. In essence Clifford go the easy way out because he did not suffer and he got to chose everything about his death. This should have brought more discomfort to the families because it really is not fair compared to what their loved one went through.
All though the death penalty is an effective tool for serious offenders, it was miss used in the case of Clifford Boggess. He was a mostly rehabilitated man who was no longer a threat to anyone. I believe that he should not have received the death penalty for his actions.