Thursday, November 18, 2010

More Death for the Death Penalty

Stages of the Death Penalty:

The Stages of the conviction process in court are somewhat designed to protect the accused. The whole process is set up to almost be fail proof because all evidence must be conclusive as well as the witness statements. Also the Jury is carefully selected so that they will not hold a bias towards a defendant and so that they can make the right/fair decision. I do not believe that the system is set up to only convict the guilty. I believe this because there is always human error that can mess up an entire case and convict an innocent man/woman.

Methods of Execution:
Of the five methods that were discussed the most human seems to be lethal injection. This is so because it puts the prisoner asleep and has marginal room for error. It is also the most human because with most the body is seriously harmed with defecation and eye balls popping out. The gas chamber, electrocution, and hanging could be considered the most inhumane because they seriously harm the body during and after death. Also they can cause the prisoner to feel extreme and prolonged pain.

Death Penalty Conclusion and States:
From this data one can conclude that the south has the most deaths with the death penalty and the most inmates on death row. One can also conclude that many states have inmates on death row, but do not execute due to all of the issues that revolve around it. These trends show that justice may not always be served. Because maybe someone was not guilty, but convicted anyways. Also it shows that the families of the victims my never see justice because the inmate who is on death row my not be executed.

Death Penalty information Center:
This information presented has changed my opinion greatly. I never thought of the death penalty as a race issue, but the information clearly shows that when the victims are white, the defendant is more likely to get the death penalty. Also I never new how much it costs to kill someone, I always believed that the death penalty could be more economic because you do not have to care for the inmate, but it actually costs more to kill them. This brings me to the conclusion that we need to make the death penalty more cost effective i.e. a single bullet to the head. From this given information from The Death Penalty Information Center I would say that they are against the death penalty, most of the carts and evidence given is in opposition of its use. This website is very convincing because it gives valid information that shows how costly, ineffective, inhumane, and unjust the death penalty is. Some additional information that I would like this source to provide is what kind of crimes got the death penalty and what kinds did not. And also circumstances of the defendant.