Monday, December 13, 2010


Since the decision of Roe vs. Wade in 1973 the debate between pro-life and pro-choice has been a constant battle. NARAL-Prochoice America  and National Right to Life are two of the leaders in their side of the debate. When researching each website and reading each article it was easy to see that Nation Right to Life had a better argument. On the site they had detailed information telling the whole abortion process, of course with some bias. While NARAL-Prochoice America gave a brief synopsis of an issue and said how pro-life legislation wants to shut it down, they did not go into great detail on very much, unlike the pro-life website. Based on the websites it is hard to tell which side of the argument is winning, but based on the movies and literature we saw in class it seems that it is a very close debate, but it is leaning towards the pro-life stance. After reading both sites my opinion on the matter has not changed, I am very pro-choice and will remain so because I believe that it is the woman's right to chose and her choice should not be based on peoples religious or personal beliefs. In addition I believe that any piece of legislation that is backed even a little bit by religion should not be permitted in our constitution because we separate Church and State.
As a 17 year old High School Student I believe that the parent deserves to know if their child is getting an abortion, but I do not believe that as a requirement to receive the abortion the parents must be notified. I believe this because the child my be embarrassed due to the nature of her getting pregnant and my be set on getting an abortion, but does not want her parents to intervene and try to convince her otherwise. They also should not have the right to decide for their daughter because it is her body and her life so she has the choice. With the father being notified I believe he should be contacted to know what is going to happen to his unborn child. I believe he should have a say, but not have that be the deciding factor in whether or not a woman gets an abortion.
I mostly agree with Illinois' position on abortion. I agree with the legislation that is permitting woman to get an abortion, but they have put up some stumbling blocks like parental and spousal consent. They also made it not allowed to use insurance for abortions as well as no state funding for abortions. Because I am so pro-choice I would get rid of the spousal and parental consent laws. The website gives Illinois a B- on their scale which is good, but it could be better for helping women get abortions.